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Stay Positive!


Looking for things to do?
Let us give you a few ideas!

Eat Healthily 
Know Your Basic Food Groups

Don't fill up on snacks during this time. Look up new recipes to try out! There are tons of different foods just waiting to be made and you can easily learn to do it from scratch. It's a wonderful idea to do with the family while staying healthy at the same time. Make it special by adding a theme to the night like "build your own kebab" or "Habachi-style grill dinner" or "finger food feast." 

Stay Connected
Call a Family Member or Old Friend

The best thing you can do is to know you're not alone when you're told to stay home! Remember that old friend from High School? Call them up! Haven't seen your grandparents in a while? Set up a FaceTime meeting! And when you can't hang out with friends in person, find ways to play virtually with them. A simple conversation can go a long way to making you feel connected.

DIY - Do It Yourself 
Find a New Project

There's always something to keep you busy if you know where to begin. Now's the perfect time to start that raised garden project, fix that leaky kitchen sink, rearrange the house, or start a landscaping project. All those projects that you were too busy to do before are ready to be tackled! Didn't have one before? A quick internet search will provide wonderful ideas on repurposing old furniture or how-to videos for home crafts.

Discover a New World
Free Online Library

RBdigital offers more than 1,000 popular and special interest magazines, 65,000+ audio and eBooks, along with 20,000+ comics and graphic novels from over 100 publishers. All major genres are represented from fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, thrillers, romance, indie comics, Sunday funnies, to manga. Use AFLIB access key for new account creation. Compatible with any device. Click here to go now!

Keep Informed 
Always Know Important Updates

There's a lot going on and it's important to stay up-to-date with the news. Between COVID-19 updates, presidential candidates, and local news stories, it's important to stay informed with what's going on around you. That being said, don't spend all day watching the news and stress yourself out! Make sure you have a perfect balance of what you read, where you read it, and spending the day with fulfilling activities.

Learn New Exercises
Be Moving During The Day

Don't let the stay home order turn you into a couch potato! There are plenty of exercises you can do to stay in shape during a time where all the gyms are closed. Go for a run, walk your dog, and use bodyweight exercises. Even spending time outside with the kids is a great way to keep you up and about. Set up scavenger hunts or daily challenges to stretch your legs and stay fit.

You can also join the Wellbeats app for free until the end of May and get access to workout videos or other forms of exercising by using access code 479b0f59.

Clean Often
Sanitize Your Surfaces

As a precaution, make sure you're cleaning every day! Make it fun by playing music or turning chores into a points game. If you stay on top of them, that's less you'll have to do in the future. And who knows, you might find a few loose coins, a toy you've been missing, or that tv remote that vanished a few days ago!

Spiritual Connectedness 
Always Know Important Updates

In the words of Chaplain Scott, "There are ways to stay spiritually connected. Spirituality is connecting with the Holy. For some, the Holy might be a Who, for others it might be a What. But it is whatever gives you a deep sense of meaning, a deep sense of purpose, a deep sense of worth. It's connecting with things. You can call a friend, you can call your pastor, you can call us, your chaplains. We're always available to sit and listen with you."

42 ABW Chapel: 334-953-2109
42nd Command Post: 334-953-7474

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Thursday, May 02, 2024

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